

I finally finished both pieces of furniture sitting in my garage.  I’m pretty pleased and grateful that the boys cooperated by playing in the front yard while I worked on the them.  I definitely hunger for a creative outlet.  This blog helps, but sometimes I just need to get my hands dirty and use a paint brush.

Today was pretty smooth and uneventful…  I took Pierce, my neighbor Lilly, and her in-laws out to the Black Hammock walking trail again today and got in five miles.  Now if I would just quit eating!!! 

Later we went to see Auntie Good Times for a bit and then off to pick up Mikey from school.  Daddy got a beer and dinner with friends after work, so the boys and I hung out on the driveway so I would wrap up the last few details on the furniture pieces.  Then it was inside for baths, popcorn and a show, a couple of books and a giant sigh of relief from me!  Other than that, it wasn’t a particularly entertaining day, so I won’t bore you further with any more details—but I am going to post pictures of the two servers I just finished re”newing”!